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The Role of the CTO – Heading Business Innovation

July 23, 2020 | 1 minute read
Proven Optics

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Proven Optics

Historically, the CTO was a pure technologist who covered areas of Project Management and Procurement. However, the CTO now wears many other hats. In today’s world, various business problems are resolved by technology intervention only. Organizations are willing to invest in IT because it will save them from heavy costs in the future. This places the technology platform to the center of the organization which pushes the CTO into a quasi-business role. The CTO is both a technologist and a leader who understands how that technology will deliver maximum results.  

The CTO also has to bring in all of the business stakeholders as project partners. Today’s complex technology platforms require multiple integrations, which makes communication management of these changes across all ranks important. Implementation will be significantly faster with an all department buy-in. The CTO also plays the role of an experimenter by embracing Cloud-based solutions and trying new workloads. By sandboxing potential innovations, the CTO ensures there is no negative fallout and only the successful innovations make it to the main stay of the organization.  

Proven Optics assists organizations with a full IT Financial Management and Technology Business Management service experience. Visit our website today to learn more about how we can turn your ITFM or TBM Practice into a well-run machine that drives better decisioning and business outcomes. We are Practitioners that you can rely on.  

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