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Campbells Soup 1

Delivering Old Fashioned Capability Through a Modern Approach

September 16, 2021 | 2 minute read
Proven Optics

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Proven Optics

For many organizations, excel and email are used as the “budget system” – Campbell Soup was no different. The extremely manual and limited capability of the Campbell Soup legacy approach made it difficult for IT to not only effectively communicate how their budget dollars were delivered, but to effectively pivot when budgets needed realigned. Campbell Soup needed a tool to enforce data governance, auditability of the submissions, and automation of the many operational tasks needed to manage the budget formulation process. Proven Optics has just the solution.

The biggest requirement needed for Campbell’s was the ability to automate the numerous administrative tasks required to build and maintain a complex IT budget. By addressing the cumbersome manual processes, they could significantly begin to improve responsiveness, analysis, and accuracy. “Looking back, we didn’t realize the power the ServiceNow platform had,” said Ryan O’Hagan, Senior Finance and Operations Manager. “With the guidance of Proven Optics, we realized what the budgeting formulation and execution capability could become on the platform.”

To read the full whitepaper, click here

Point solutions are dead and the future is here. At Proven Optics, we are redefining IT Financial Management with scalable solutions that will grow with you, help you achieve value, and help you run IT like a business. Our Proven Optics Financial Management Application Suite powered by ServiceNow is based on 20+ years of Practitioner experience and 100+ Commercial and Federal implementations. Our solutions provide IT and Finance leaders with the necessary analytics and insights to make better business decisions. 

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