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Senators Want Planning for Federal Legacy IT Replacement

March 31, 2022 | 2 minute read
Proven Optics

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Proven Optics

Senators Maggie Hassan (D-NJ) and John Cornyn (R-TX) recently introduced a bill that aims to reduce the Federal government’s reliance on obsolete and outdated IT by requiring Federal agencies to inventory their legacy IT systems and replace them with modernized systems. Additionally, the Legacy IT Reduction Act of 2022 would require the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to assist Federal agencies in this effort.

Every year, Federal agencies spend around $100 billion on IT – 80% of that is dedicated to maintaining legacy systems while only 20% is used towards investing in modern systems. 

The bill defines legacy IT as “an outdated or obsolete system of information technology.” A working definition that has been included in debate over the years suggests that legacy IT also equates with technology that cannot be properly secured against cyber threats.

“Updating government technology will save taxpayer dollars, strengthen cybersecurity, and improve Americans’ interactions with Federal agencies,” said Senator Hassan in a release. “This bipartisan bill will help ensure that the Federal government isn’t wasting taxpayer dollars or risking a cyber attack simply because it hasn’t updated the necessary technology systems.”

“All Americans know the frustration of trying to use an old computer that is too slow or isn’t compatible with the newest, securest software – now imagine the entire Federal government trying to serve Americans using such technology,” Senator Hassan continued, “This bipartisan bill will help ensure that agencies act to update critical technology and better serve the American people.”

Click here for the full article from MeriTalk.

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