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You Can Be Telling a Better IT Value Story on ServiceNow

February 29, 2024 | 1 minute read
Proven Optics

Written by:
Proven Optics

Speak the Language of the Business

Every business will be more dependent on technology in 5 years than it is today. Meanwhile, you are faced with tighter budgets and competing for resources, forcing cost cuts and doing more with less.

You must communicate the immense value that IT contributes to the enterprise, in a compelling and non-technical way, to secure not just this year’s budget but a growing investment from your organization in the future.

The key to securing not just the budget you need, but the support from your business leaders is to frame an air-tight value conversation that effectively conveys the critical nature of your organization’s IT investments.

Leveraging your data directly on ServiceNow bridges the gaps in your data narrative and presents the complete picture of your IT financials. Hear about IT decision-making frameworks that turns theory into practice.

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