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Using ServiceNow Data As Is

November 12, 2021 | 2 minute read
Proven Optics

Written by:
Proven Optics

IT Financial Cost Models require various types of data in order to deliver results. This data includes financial data (budget/actual/forecast), service data, application data and consumption/allocation data. To implement and execute a model successfully, it is important to find where this information exists. Much of the allocation data that is used for relationships between objects like servers and databases, projects, or cloud workloads is already available in different modules on the ServiceNow platform (such as CMDB, PPM, APM and Cloud Insights as examples).

Proven Optics does not require our customers to change their existing ServiceNow data structures or create additional data structures in order to fit their data to TBM. We are able to import data from its original source (whether that be ServiceNow or an external financial system) and map it into our applications so we can effectively utilize it for our purposes while still leaving those data sources completely intact. This flexible data intake process allows us to utilize the data sets in whatever form they exist and then use them for allocations, invoicing, budgeting, etc.

As part of the ServiceNow platform, our applications can directly access any ServiceNow data and use that data in real time. This means that we do not need to create a technical integration to query and ingest it as a non-platform solution would. This ability is of great benefit to our customers as many of them have already made strategic investments into other areas of the ServiceNow platform and likely already have the base data sets we would look for to get started. It’s that simple!

If you are interested in learning more or are ready to take the next step with Proven Optics, connect with us today!